SUNY Mascot Madness



SUNY Suffolk County Community College - The Sharks

The Sharks

Suffolk County Community College

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  1. Where are you from?
    Off the coast of Long Island!
  2. How many teams do you represent?
    About 20 men’s and women’s teams.
  3. How were you chosen to be school mascot?
    Because I scare away the competition!
  4. Do you have any friends that are mascots?
    I do have a lot of fish friends. After all, fish are friends, not food.
  5. What is your favorite campus event?
    I love attending all of the sports events, even the land events. I have miraculously developed lungs to help me breathe on land.
  6. What is your favorite New York State destination?
    Right here in Suffolk!
  7. What is your favorite Broadway play?
    I prefer cinema, particularly the movie Jaws.
  8. What do you consider the ideal fan?
    The ideal fans have Shark Spirit and aren’t afraid to show it!
  9. What’s it like to be a mascot?
    It comes with a lot of perks including spreading school spirit around campus!
  10. What do you like to do for fun?
    I do enjoy taking a swim in the ocean. So if you don’t have Suffolk Shark Spirit, watch out…