SUNY Mascot Madness


Round 1 / Game 7

SUNY Delhi Broncos - Bucky#5 SUNY Delhi Broncos


SUNY ESF Acorns - Oakie#28 SUNY ESF Mighty Oaks


  1. Where are you from?
    Delhi, NY
  2. How many teams do you represent?
    A total of 21, men’s and women’s combined.
  3. How were you chosen to be school mascot?
    Well, in horse years I’m 27, which makes me about 78 in human years. At this age, I really can’t remember that far back.
  4. Do you have any friends that are mascots?
    We mascots try to stay competitive with one another. I think some of the ESPN commercials illustrate that. But I believe I’m a distant cousin of Miles of the Denver Broncos.
  5. What is your favorite campus event?
    It wouldn’t be fair for me to choose just one sport. SUNY Delhi is celebrating 100 years, so I would have to say our centennial celebration.
  6. What is your favorite food?
    I have to confess. I’m a grazer. So I’ll eat almost anything. When I stick to my diet, I like a nice blend of oats, bran and barley.
  7. What is your favorite television or movie animal?
    Secretariat. I find his story to be very inspiring to all athletes, animal or otherwise. Perseverance always wins.
  8. What do you like to do for fun?
    When I kick up my hooves, you’ll find me reading the sports section…catching up on all the SUNY Delhi Bronco scores.
  9. What’s it like to be a mascot?
    That’s like asking Kim Kardashian what she thinks it’s like to be a Kardashian. It’s fantastic, of course!
  10. What do you consider the ideal fan?
    Anyone who is honestly passionate about the game.


  1. Where are you from?
    My roots are in merry old England’s Sherwood Forest, where ESF’s Robin Hood Oak originated as a tiny acorn. But of course now I live in “the ‘Cuse!”
  2. How many teams do you represent?
    Eight men’s and women’s teams this year, but our “Mighty Oaks” sports program is growing real fast. You know how “Mighty Oaks from little acorns grow!” We’re gonna be huge before you know it.
  3. How were you chosen to be school mascot?
    You might say I fell into the job from an oak tree. Just kidding. Actually I beat out a bunch of other mascots in an online poll of ESF students. C’mon, it was me against an owl, a lumberjack and a bear. Who would you pick? I kicked their virtual butts.
  4. Do you have any friends that are mascots?
    My best mascot bro, Otto the Orange, lives right across the street at Syracuse University. We pal around at events like Freshman Orientation at the Carrier Dome welcoming all the new ESF and SU students. One time, we made a video to promote a campus ride-sharing program. I did the driving of course. Otto’s a great guy, but you don’t want to let him drive your car! He can also be a little annoying after he gets on ESPN all the time. I have to squeeze him and tell him to lighten up.
  5. What is your favorite campus event?
    That’s a tough one. I love Move-In Day – hanging out with the new students, meeting their parents, making sure everyone feels welcome and happy. Few things in life are as reassuring as a big acorn. But Earth Week – that’s a seven-day extravaganza in these parts! Student activities like barbecues, concerts, service projects, and making tie-dye tee shirts rock the place.
  6. What is your favorite food?
    I’m partial to nut-based foods: Nutella, Nutty Buddies, trail mix, and of course, Honey Nut Cheerios, because you can’t cheer on your team without a good breakfast. Anyone who’s visited my Facebook page knows I also like our snack bar’s Buffalo chicken sandwich. Good stuff.
  7. What is your favorite television or movie animal?
    I really love Scrat, the saber-toothed squirrel from the Ice Age movies. Man, there’s a guy that will do anything for an acorn!
  8. What do you like to do for fun?
    Treehugging tops my list. No one seems to know if I am a girl or a boy acorn because acorns are hermaphroditic, so sometimes I just feel more comfortable hugging trees.
  9. What’s it like to be a mascot?
    It’s so hot, it’s cool. No, really dude, the costume – it’s hot! But it’s also very cool to hang out with the teams, get the crowds pumped, meet people, wave to the paparazzi, and totally represent ESF.
  10. What do you consider the ideal fan?
    Anyone who’s loud, full of energy and willing to scream “Go Nuts!” for the entire game is oakey-dokey with me.