SUNY Mascot Madness



Genesee Community College - GDub


Genesee Community College

Share your support for your favorite mascot!

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  1. Where are you from?
    I live in Batavia but I have vacation houses in Albion, Arcade, Dansville, Lima, Medina and Warsaw.
  2. How many teams do you represent?
  3. How were you chosen to be school mascot?
    I outlasted seven other mascots in a sauna.
  4. Do you have any friends that are mascots?
    I thought I did. No one will accept my Facebook request though.
  5. What is your favorite campus event?
    Pep rallies are my time to shine. Spirit week is my utopia. 
  6. What do you consider the ideal fan?
    Someone that is enthusiastic and devoted to the cause.
  7. What’s it like to be a mascot?
    Always a work in progress. I watch a lot of game film on myself, do a lot of venue scouting and study all of the greats like the Funky Chicken and Swoop.
  8. What do you like to do for fun?
    I spend most of my free time making prank phone calls.
  9. What is your favorite Broadway play?
  10. What is your favorite New York State destination?
    New York City. Love the bright lights.