SUNY Mascot Madness



SUNYIT - Walter the Wildcat

Walter the Wildcat


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  1. Where are you from?
    If what they told me in Biology 101 is true, from my parents: Wilbur and Geraldine Wildcat.
  2. How many teams do you represent?
    12 teams.
  3. How were you chosen to be school mascot?
    As Shakespeare wrote, “Some Wildcats are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon ’em.” I was born blue. They were looking for a big, blue Wildcat. It was an obvious choice.
  4. Do you have any friends that are mascots?
    Nah, I try to keep a low profile. Dangerous times to be a mascot, dangerous times.
  5. What is your favorite campus event?
    Kid’s Night at the Dining Hall. #CrushingFishSticks&Dinosaur-ShapedChickenNuggets.
  6. What is your favorite New York State destination?
    I like to roam the Adirondacks in search of easy prey. Especially other mascots, who shall remain nameless.
  7. What is your favorite Broadway play?
    Waiting for Godot. I’m a classy cat (and honestly I hate to say this, but was it just me or is “Cats” terrible. Didn’t speak to me in the slightest).
  8. What do you consider the ideal fan?
    Anyone that brings food. Raw game with minimal buckshot is a plus, but I wouldn’t sneeze at a Moe’s burrito either.
  9. What’s it like to be a mascot?
    Awesome. Duh.
  10. What do you like to do for fun?
    There’s this thing I can do where I take my head off for a second and it looks like there’s a person inside and it makes little kids FREAK OUT. #MallSantaClausGetsIt