SUNY Mascot Madness



University at Albany - Damien the Great Dane


Alfred State

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  1. Where are you from?
    I reside in the woods high above campus. I don’t get many visitors except for the deer that I share the woods with and our cross country team whose course weaves around my place.
  2. What do you do to get pumped before a game?
    I chop some wood to keep the fire going while I am down at the game. I then drink a mixture of raw eggs, assorted wild berries, and acorns to get me focused and ready to bring it. Finally, I do 25 four-finger push-ups so I look jacked for all my selfies.
  3. What is your favorite snack?
    Anything over a campfire – hot dogs, popcorn, baked beans.
  4. Who is your biggest SUNY rival?
    SUNY Canton – Pioneers and Kangaroos have nothing in common except that we both have pockets. We compete with them in most sports and our rivalry goes back to when both of us were in the NJCAA.
  5. How do you stay in shape?
    I follow a daily routine that consists of:
    • Early morning swims with the swim team
    • Chop wood to keep my cabin warm and to provide some material for the Pioneer woodsmen team.
    • Participate in a physical education class or two each day – my favorite is aerobics with Coach Boyd
    • Go for a run with athletic secretary Sandy Kinnerney – normally 3 to 5 miles
    • Spend some time in the Mind Spa getting centered and getting one of those great massages.
    • Work on my mixed martial arts with my buddy Lil ‘Alf from across the street
    • Attend practice or games to cheer on the Pioneers.
  6. What do you do in your spare time?
    Currently I am building a new sledding hill, carving a new walking/fitness trail, and training to debut on UFC on Fox.
  7. What is your favorite TV show?
    I am still a sucker for Little House on the Prairie.
  8. What’s the greatest aspect of being a Mascot?
    Pictures, High 4’s, and cheering the Pioneers on to victory.
  9. Name a place that you would like to travel to?
    I would like to visit the National Pioneer Hall of Fame in Burley, Idaho. Someday I will be immortalized in this hall of fame.
  10. What’s the best part about being from New York?
    All the hills during the fall – It is as beautiful as a Picasso.
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