SUNY Mascot Madness



 Blaze the Dragon of SUNY Cortland

Blaze the Dragon

SUNY Cortland

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  1. Where are you from?
    Cortland. I was hatched on the banks of the mighty Tioughnioga River, to be exact.
  2. What do you do to get pumped before a game?
    Binge watch “Game of Thrones” on my phone. Go team Targaryen!
  3. What is your favorite snack?
    Whoever Cortland is playing.
  4. Who is your biggest SUNY rival?
    In terms of mascots, I’d have to say the Geneseo Knight. He takes that whole dragon-slaying schtick way too seriously.
  5. How do you stay in shape?
    Pilates. When you exhale flames it’s really important to control your breathing. Birthday cakes are a real challenge.
  6. What do you do in your spare time?
    Rattle windows with my awe-inspiring roar, intimidate cowering opponents, light the night sky with my fearsome flames…you know, Dragon stuff. Also, I like to barbeque.
  7. What is your favorite TV show?
    “River Monsters” on Animal Planet. It’s nice to see what some of my relatives are up to.
  8. What’s the greatest aspect of being a Mascot?
    Being a member of all 25 SUNY Cortland athletic teams and supporting the student athletes’ accomplishments.
  9. Name a place that you would like to travel to.
    Erebor in Middle Earth. I’ve got a beef with my cousin Smaug -  laying waste to villages, scaring hobbits, hoarding gold – he’s giving dragons a bad name.
  10. What’s the best part about being from New York?
    Bagels. Toasted bagels.