SUNY Mascot Madness



Roody the Kangaroo from SUNY Canton

Roody the Kangaroo

SUNY Canton

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  1. Where are you from?
    I came from me Mum’s pouch of course. When I first peaked out, I was a little afraid because it’s very cold in Canton, and very warm in the pouch. But I got used to it now that I have a full body of warm fur.
  2. What do you do to get pumped before a game?
    I crank up tunes on my iPod and pump some iron in the fitness center.
  3. What is your favorite snack?
    I love pizza rolls from Sergi’s and Chicken Wings from Chaney Dining Center. Anything but vegemite. YUCK.
  4. Who is your biggest SUNY rival?
    Hard to say. We enjoy playing against all of the other SUNY schools. SUNY Potsdam is right down the road and they’re great neighbors.
  5. How do you stay in shape?
    I jump a lot (A LOT). Boxing is also fun.
  6. What do you do in your spare time?
    The obvious best thing is attending Roos games, but I also like chillin’ at the library, finding homes for stray cats and dogs, assisting the elderly at crosswalks, anything Student Activities hosts, Starbucks on campus at Cyber Café, helping babies stop crying, sledding on campus…a lot of things. As an aside, I work at restoring faith in humanity.
  7. What is your favorite TV show?
    I love The Voice. Maybe that’s because I’m also an excellent singer, but I respect anyone who is a performer and can entertain. I also enjoy almost all the Animal Planet shows and of course any cartoon on Boomerang.
  8. What’s the greatest aspect of being a Mascot?
    Free popcorn at the games. Adoring fans. It’s a sweet job. I feel like I’m the luckiest Kangaroo alive.
  9. Name a place that you would like to travel to.
    I’d like to go to Australia. I hear the people down under are great, awesome weather, and of course, lots of Roos. It sounds like paradise.
  10. What’s the best part about being from New York?
    Oh, that’s easy. Definitely the In-state SUNY tuition for my future college-bound Joeys.

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