
Students walking on the University at Albany campus at twilight.

Things I Wish I Knew As a Freshman

4 thoughts on “Things I Wish I Knew As a Freshman

  1. One of my biggest regrets was not getting more involved in college. I waited until my senior year to join any groups and it was such a mistake. I was always envious of my friends who branched out but it was so hard for me to leave my comfort zone. I wish I would have joined more clubs and organizations. Great article!

  2. This was a great article, very informative for freshman’s. I remember my four years of college, one of the most important things for me was living in on campus in a dorm and not having to rent. living in a dorm definatley helps with the social aspect of growing but also bypasses a lot of the stress that comes with having to rent an apartment. Although I must say having to deal with a broken AC unit for all four years,really sucked. especially when you live in Florida…….. not fun

  3. I personally have met some people who were afraid to say they were undeclared. I never saw it as a bad thing, I actually think it’s a smart move to figure out what you want and are good at first. That’s what university life is about anyway!
    On the topic of internships – yes, yes and yes. I could never say how much my internship that first summer has shaped my believes and interests, not to forget that it filled out my contact list so quick! Good luck to all freshmen 🙂

  4. LIving in the dorms the first year is critical. As is maybe having one or two people you know in advance who are going to the college. Even if you only see them a few times in the first weeks, it makes it SO much easier to make friends as you go along. Great article for a really stressful time.

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