The State University of New York has always been, and always will be, defined by its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion; and we place the safety and security of our students above all else.
These longstanding and unwavering commitments show our students, faculty, and staff that we welcome them – all of them. That we embrace tolerance. That we stand against discrimination of any kind. That those under SUNY’s care can and should feel safe.
For every event or action that challenges our values, SUNY students, faculty, and staff exhibit hundreds more that prove these – our highest ideals – are firmly intact.
This sense of community has been created through everyday acts of kindness, charitable giving, and community service by SUNY students, faculty, and staff throughout our more than 60-year history. It has been fostered by our growing partnerships with school districts, businesses, and government entities throughout New York State. And it is more abundant today than ever before.
This – the spirit of SUNY – is what I am thankful for today and always.
For the last four years, SUNY has taken the opportunity of the year-end holiday season to share stories of our campuses giving back to their local communities. This will continue in 2016, starting tomorrow, as we launch our “30 Days of Giving” campaign. We hope our stories will inspire others to join SUNY in making a difference.
As those on our campuses head home for the Thanksgiving Break, I encourage the entire SUNY family to take the time to reflect on what brings us together and unites us as not only the largest and most comprehensive, but the best and most inclusive system of public higher education in the United States.