Online education provides opportunities to obtain a college degree for many people who simply can't commit to the traditional college experience. These online degrees aren't...
How to Apply to SUNY – A Quick Guide
For all those interested in a higher education and obtaining a college degree, college application season opens up as the summer begins to wind down....
College Essay Writing Tips That Get You Noticed
College essays are important to the admission process. SUNY’s tips for writing a college essay will bring your application to life by connecting the dots to create a complete picture of who you are. Your essay reveals something about you that your grades do not… your personality.
Summer Nutrition Supports Make an Impact on Student Health
It's hard to succeed on an empty stomach. If it's difficult to maintain a nutritious diet, it can be difficult to complete day-to-day tasks with...
Addressing the Stress of Competition to Help Make A Healthier Student Athlete
Student athletes face many demands in today's competitive environment. In addition to the realities of everyday student stressors—whether that be academics, working a part-time job...