All throughout this health pandemic and times of civil unrest that we are living through, SUNY students across the system are still finding ways to...
Free Laptops Provide a Lifeline to Distance Learning for Incoming SUNY EOP Freshmen
Thanks to the efforts of the SUNY Impact Foundation and a generous donor, the incoming class of Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) first-year students will have...
Profiles in Student Leadership – Binta Ceesay
We may be in the middle of a health pandemic and times of civil unrest, however SUNY students across the system are still finding ways...
Continuing to Provide Opportunity During a Crisis
Conducting virtual town hall meetings, one-on-one academic advisement sessions, personal counseling and tutoring has gone digital in recent weeks. The Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) at...
Learn How You Can Be Secure With Your Financial Future
As spring gets into gear, we prepare for the newness of it all. Some of that is the new journey many students will begin as...