Student loans are a huge source of worry for many students across the United States. There are many reports of the rise in the student...
How Can an Internship Help Shape Your Career?
When I started my Freshman year in 2012 I was started as a Communications and Japanese double major. Now, in my senior year, I am an English...
Money-Saving Tips for the Hard-Working Student
With summer break coming to an end, you’ve likely saved up a bit of money from your part-time job or internship. But soon you’ll be...
5 Tips to Create the Ultimate LinkedIn Profile
If you're a college student, you've probably heard of LinkedIn. Launched in 2003, it's the 3rd most popular social networking site after Facebook and Twitter with...
5 Healthy Habits Every Student Can Start This Summer
Summer break is a great time to set new goals! You’ve just finished a hectic semester ridden with sleepless nights, large cups of coffee, and...