When you apply for college, you must ask for letters of recommendation. Now is a good time to learn about what it is and what...
Supports we’re thankful for at SUNY
As we approach the end of the fall semester and the close of another year (hello, 2025), it's always a good time to stop and...
Exploring Esports Across SUNY: Where Gamers Unite to Compete and Connect
In 2021, SUNY debuted its first-ever Esports Chancellor's Challenge, and since then, esports has surged in popularity across its campuses. Now we have a vibrant...
Shaping the Future of AI for Public Good: Innovations from SUNY and IBM
Reading Time: 4 min 36 sec Nestled in the hum of lab spaces and nanofabrication facilities across New York State, fourteen faculty researchers from the...
Participants Learn to Earn In This Successful Pre-Apprenticeship Program
The Rochester Technology and Manufacturing Association and workforce development partners from the GLOW Region (Genesee, Livingston, Orleans & Wyoming counties) have the recipe for a...