In 1947, when the first transistor was invented, it did not generate overwhelming excitement. As scientifically novel as it was, little did the world know...
Students Explore The Beauty of Mathematics
Twenty years ago, undergraduate students were not invited by university faculty members to participate in mathematics research. "Historically, it was thought that undergraduates couldn’t do...
New York Research Team Develops Underwater Wi-Fi
Wireless networks span the globe. But like a frightened toddler, they don’t go underwater. That may soon change because University at Buffalo researchers are developing...
SUNY Oswego Researcher Presents To International Biology Community
Spencer Saraf, a SUNY Oswego senior majoring in chemistry who graduates this month, has received a travel award from the National Science Foundation to present...
Binghamton University Awarded with NSF Research Grant for Data Technology Study
From Dropbox to iCloud to Drive, people are using cloud storage services and apps to stock away their pictures, documents and media every day. We...