With summer approaching, we need to be aware of how we can protect our skin from harmful UV rays caused by the sun. Before you plan...
What do bitter temperatures do to the human body? (National Geographic)
U.S. Cold Snap: What do bitter temperatures do to the human body? SUNY Downstate Medical Center— The Polar Vortex which recently consumed much of the...
Tech Introduces New Ways to Battle the Flu
As the weather gets colder, we get closer and closer to flu season. Symptoms like coughing and chills will constantly surround us. But how can...
Demand & Results Spur SUNY’s Expansion of STEM Mentoring Program
SUNY’s Office of the Education Pipeline is pleased to announce an exciting opportunity for SUNY campuses to participate in a collaborative project designed to strengthen...
SUNY and NSF Move Forward With STEM Afterschool Mentoring Program
The Office of the Education Pipeline is excited to move forward with the implementation of a recent $2.95 million grant from the National Science Foundation...