As we gear up to welcome our 13th chancellor to SUNY next month - an inventor, entrepreneur, and all around wonder woman in science, Dr....
A New Partnership Between Higher Education & Industry Opens Doors to Careers
How would you like to take a 12-week, 90-hour training program and be hired practically the minute after you’ve been handed your certificate? That’s kind...
Sustainability Sprouts Around New York State
Since its inception in 1970, Earth Day has been held annually on April 22 to celebrate the importance of preserving our environment and encouraging sustainable living...
Joining The Call To Action To Fight Climate Change
[caption id="attachment_28282" align="aligncenter" width="1000"] Morgan Wood of the SUNY Student Assembly gets ready to introduce Anthony Lake, the Executive Director of UNICEF, at the Earth...
SUNY Turned Down the Lights For #DaylightHour 2015
Launched in 2014, Daylight Hour is a global social media campaign organized by the Building Energy Exchange, a non-profit based in NYC that provides resources...