Across the world, more than 200 million people have been diagnosed with COVID-19 with more than 4.2 million reported deaths. Health impacts are also present...
Breaking Down the Wealth Barrier in Medical Schools with the Pre-Med Opportunity Program
Across the nation’s medical schools, roughly two-thirds of medical students come from families within the top two quintiles of family income ($74,840 to $225,251). To...
Students Take on Vax Challenge to Show Readiness for Campus Life To Return This Fall
Many students across the SUNY system had to put campus life on hold during the pandemic as campuses shut down or limited activities and residents...
Students Learn Life-Saving Skills Inside and Outside the Classroom
May 16-21, 2021 marks the 46th annual National EMS Week, which was originally authorized by President Gerald Ford to celebrate Emergency Medical Services/Emergency Medical Technicians...
Continuing to Work Towards a Cleaner, Greener World Around Us
Inspired by a student movement in 1969, government officials recruited Denis Hayes, an activist, to kick off the first Earth Day in 1970 through campus...