So many college students live on campus in residence halls that they share with hundreds of other students. It’s usually our first run at independent living, or living without mom or dad to help you do your laundry. So, if you’ve ever lived in a dorm, you’ve probably had this experience: You have no clean clothes because you waited way too long to do your laundry and you’re down to your last clean socks. So you gather all your things from your hamper (or floor), check the washing machines and… they’re all full.
Eventually, you start to plan your week based on when you think no one else will be doing laundry. You find yourself saying things like, “Well, no one’s gonna be doing their laundry at 6 am on a Sunday morning!” But what if this wasn’t just your personal conjecture? Well former SUNY intern Jack Fischer decided to find out the answer at his campus with hard data.

Jack is a Computer Science & Mathematics major at Binghamton University, so data is in his blood. Using eSuds to remotely monitor the availability of washing machines, Fischer logged laundry capacity in Binghamton‘s Newing College. After collecting over 60,000 data points over several months, he discovered that Fridays and Sundays are the best days for students to do their laundry. In fact, students are most likely to find open machines on Friday mornings roughly between 10 and 11 a.m. And the worst days to do laundry? Wednesdays and Saturdays were the busiest days.
For more details, you can see Fischer’s full laundry analysis on his page.
Really helpful info! When I was a student I usually left some jobs like doing the laundry for the last minute. That’s very interesting.
Now, this was an interesting read that was quite helpful! Thank you, Kay for sharing this. Good work!
Thank you very much for delivering such information … it is true..
It seems about right what the author says about most students doing their laundry on Fridays and Sundays. I find it to be true also because there are a lot of people at the laundromat of my college apartment that are there on those days. I myself also go there during those days and mainly because it’s the end of the week.
Nobody would do their laundry on a Friday night. Instead most students would prefer to rest instead of doing a number of household chores. The best decision in situations likes these is making a checklist and doing tasks one by one. This way you won’t have a ton of household work at the end of the week.
Really helpful info! When I was a student I usually left some jobs like doing the laundry for the last minute .. or the last pair of clean socks. I’m not proud of it but it seems that everybody tend to leave this chore for the last moment. Really helpful info for making plans and planning your time schedule more efficiently. Also, my advice is to plan your laundry for the day that you are doing a thorough cleaning in your room so you don’t forget about it and feel it like a hard task.
I always did my laundry on Sunday because that was my day for sitting in my PJ’s and going to church. Living in an area with lots of church goers, I would through my laundry in our apartment laundromat on my way to church, and it was always open. When I got home, I would throw them in the drier, and that’s when other people started showing up to do theirs.
That’s very interesting. I always thought Tuesdays would be least busiest days for such activities. And don’t you find it funny if many people see this post things around can change.