More than one year into Chancellor Kristina Johnson's leadership, SUNY is continuing to move forward under the guidance of our 13th chancellor. We recently heard...
Calls For a Sustainable and Increasingly Innovative SUNY in the 2018 State of the University System Address
At the beginning of each year, the SUNY community and all of New York gets a chance to learn about the progress of the system...
A Look Back at the 2017 State of the University Address
Every year in January, the State of the University Address is given by our Chancellor Zimpher to update the SUNY family and all of New...
The 2016 Year in Review: Part 1
We're getting ready to flip the calendar to a new year. But before we do, we wanted to take a walk down memory lane to...
2016 State of the University Address Showcases New Initiatives, Urging all New Yorkers to Stand With SUNY
Each year, the State of the University address is a whirlwind of preparation and planning. From the speech itself to the media elements accompanying it...