If attending classes, preparing for exams, participating in campus activities, and maintaining a social life isn’t enough for a college student, try publishing a book!
Full-time college students typically have other priorities on their mind (like music or marriage), but for Casey Wittchen, launching a young-adults fantasy book series was the goal. The college student published her first novel, Behind Locked Doors, in January 2014. And while envisioning, writing, and publishing a book is a task very few people complete in a lifetime, Wittchen has yet to celebrate her 22nd birthday.
Writing for me is 24/7. I cannot imagine my life without it.
— Casey Wittchen (@NaturallyCasey) April 10, 2014
Behind Locked Doors is the first in a series titled Devil’s Grace and leads nine more novels that Wittchen has started. The story is based on a young girl’s journey of self-discovery in a supernatural world, with Wittchen drawing inspiration from a diversity of folklore, like British folklore, and German, and French and Japanese.
She began writing Behind Locked Doors in high school and continued to develop the engrossing plot while studying at the University at Albany in upstate New York. Then, following numerous edits, revisions, and read-throughs, Wittchen took the leap to self-publish the story through Amazon CreateSpace, an online program that provides beginning-to-finish publishing services for independent authors.
The novel is available on Amazon in paperback, carried by Book House in Albany, NY, and can be purchased on Nook, Kindle, and iBooks.
We had the opportunity to chat with Casey about her novel and how she managed to balance her life as student and author. Check out our interview with her below:
[iframe width=”838″ height=”471″ src=”//www.youtube.com/embed/_LJ4gcxXFl0″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen]
You can find out more about Casey on her website, CaseyWittchen.com