Amidst the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, our world has had to adapt to changes in our everyday lives. In terms of the higher education...
Continuing to Provide Opportunity During a Crisis
Conducting virtual town hall meetings, one-on-one academic advisement sessions, personal counseling and tutoring has gone digital in recent weeks. The Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) at...
Students are Showing What It Takes To Succeed During The Transition to Online Learning
Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the United States in March, education systems across the nation have been transitioning coursework to distance learning to keep students...
Unique Campus Resources Can Lead to New Opportunities
There are often moments, two, three years into your college experience, where you find yourself learning something new about your campus. You suddenly realize that...
The Growth of Open Educational Resources Will Continue to Provide Textbook Savings to Students
For college students, textbooks have always accounted for a portion of the average students' debt. Students spend an average of $150 per course and an...