Getting ready to return back to school after what was hopefully a restorative summer generally brings with it feelings of anxiousness and excitement for many....
Expanding Mental Health Services Creates A Healthy Learning Environment for Students
Across the world, more than 200 million people have been diagnosed with COVID-19 with more than 4.2 million reported deaths. Health impacts are also present...
Students Take on Vax Challenge to Show Readiness for Campus Life To Return This Fall
Many students across the SUNY system had to put campus life on hold during the pandemic as campuses shut down or limited activities and residents...
Students Learn What Leadership is Made of in New Virtual Academy
As students complete a considerably different fall semester, SUNY students were given an opportunity to add to their education with lessons on becoming leaders. 41...
A Changed Look For Our Young Change Makers – The Future Of The Girl Scouts Is SUNY-Made
The Girl Scouts, founded in 1912, boasts the following motto: "Be prepared." The motto has transformed to drive each troop throughout the country to help...