Inspired by a student movement in 1969, government officials recruited Denis Hayes, an activist, to kick off the first Earth Day in 1970 through campus...
Recognizing A Cleaner, Greener, More Sustainable SUNY on Earth Day
Earth Day is a day to celebrate and demonstrate our support for environmental protection throughout the world, and this year marks its 50th year. Even...
Take Time to Help Protect the Environment on Earth Day
As once said by the 32nd First Lady of the United States, Lady Bird Johnson, "The environment is where we all meet; where we all...
Sustainability Sprouts Around New York State
Since its inception in 1970, Earth Day has been held annually on April 22 to celebrate the importance of preserving our environment and encouraging sustainable living...
10 Tips for Living Green On or Off Campus
Each year on April 22, Earth Day, the world sets out to show support for environmental concerns and clean living through a global effort of...