"Potluck," a public student art project on the first floor of Penfield Library, shines a light on SUNY Oswego's SHOP (Students Helping Oz Peers) on-campus...
A Chance To Play Leads to Success On And Off The Court
Many think that in order to be a part of college athletics, you need to be recruited from an early age to play for any...
From the Midwest to The Frozen North, She’s Shooting For the Stars On and Off The Ice
For the millions of children and young adults who play sports, many don't plan for an end to their competitive lives when they reach the...
30 Days of Giving 2022, Day 23: SUNY Oswego Students Raise Money for Childhood Cancer
Four seniors at SUNY Oswego received an assignment at the beginning of this semester: develop a theoretical publicity campaign for an organization. These seniors went...
30 Days of Giving 2021, Day 6: SUNY Oswego Students Help Keep Lake Ontario Clean
If you have ventured down to the SUNY Oswego lakeshore this fall semester you may have seen large groups of students diligently clearing the rocks...