Beginning Monday, November 26, SUNY will be pinning stories of giving, service, and kindness originating from each of our 64 campuses and the communities that these schools are a part of.
With over 467,000 students, SUNY consistently takes advantage of the opportunity it has to be a significant impact in communities across New York State. The 30 Days of Giving campaign is a great way to recognize students and community partners involved in the many projects that happen all year round at each SUNY campus and their surrounding communities. The byproduct of taking volunteerism to scale is not only building character in our students themselves as they join our over three million alumni, but also to set an example of impact as the nation’s largest university system.
SUNY College of Optometry
SUNY College of Optometry coordinated a service mission trip with VOSH (Volunteer Optometric Services to Humanity) Southeast chapter to Chiapa de Corzo, Mexico. The trip took place from May 19-24, 2012. Within those five days, 5 doctors, 1 optician, and 20 students (11 from SUNY) provided comprehensive eye exams and dispensed spectacle corrections and/or medications as necessary to 2,241 patients. A video documenting the journey can be watched below.
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DAY 1 | DAY 2 | DAY 3 | DAY 4 | DAY 5 |
DAY 6 | DAY 7 | DAY 8 | DAY 9 | DAY 10 |
DAY 11 | DAY 12 | DAY 13 | DAY 14 | DAY 15 |
DAY 16 | DAY 17 | DAY 18 | DAY 19 | DAY 20 |
DAY 21 | DAY 22 | DAY 23 | DAY 24 | DAY 25 |
DAY 26 | DAY 27 | DAY 28 | DAY 29 | DAY 30 |