Beginning Monday, November 26, SUNY will be pinning stories of giving, service, and kindness originating from each of our 64 campuses and the communities that these schools are a part of.
With over 467,000 students, SUNY consistently takes advantage of the opportunity it has to be a significant impact in communities across New York State. The 30 Days of Giving campaign is a great way to recognize students and community partners involved in the many projects that happen all year round at each SUNY campus and their surrounding communities. The byproduct of taking volunteerism to scale is not only building character in our students themselves as they join our over three million alumni, but also to set an example of impact as the nation’s largest university system.
Jefferson Community College
Twelve years ago the Melvil Dewey Library at Jefferson Community College (JCC) began a new chapter in history when it partnered with Literacy of Northern New York in support of its annual book drive. Over the years JCC’s campus community has donated nearly 6,250 young adult and children’s books.
“It’s become a holiday tradition,” says Connie A. Holberg, library director at JCC. “The students, faculty and staff at Jefferson never fail to respond to our annual campaign and donate books that will encourage literacy and the love of reading among younger members of our community. We are proud of the great partnership we have with Literacy of Northern New York and are happy to be able to do this each year.”
“Thanks to the students, faculty and library staff at JCC, we have been able to give away thousands of children’s books to low-income families in our community during the past 12 years,” said M. Cecilia Brock, executive director of Literacy of Northern New York. “The families look forward to picking out new books for their children every December and deeply appreciate those who generously donate the books. Unfortunately there are many families in our community who can’t afford the luxury of buying books for their children.”
The books will be distributed to North Country children through the Salvation Army’s Christmas Give Away Program.
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